David W. Epperly
304-549-3231 • e-mail us
Physical address:
122 Capitol Street, Suite 201
Charleston, WV 25301
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 673, Charleston, WV 25323
About Us
Epperly Re:Solutions’ expansive litigation-support service offering provides timely and cost-effective solutions to the diverse financial and economic issues prevalent in today’s legal environment.
David W. Epperly, MBA, CPA, ABV, CFF, CVA the founding and managing member of Epperly Re:Solutions, offers an articulate and seasoned approach to complicated financial and economic issues based on more than 30 years of experience in the forensic accounting practice area, including retention by both plaintiffs and defendants as well as Court-appointed engagements.
Forensic Accounting and Valuation Advisory Services
• Economic Damages in Civil Cases
• Commercial Litigation
• Business Valuations
• Divorce / Marital Dissolution
• Fraud Engagements
Class Action and Settlement Administration Services
• Class member identification and location
• Database administration and maintenance
• Claims administration and document management
• Settlement fund allocation and disbursement

Complex financial, accounting and economic issues in the legal arena
are often the norm as opposed to the exception